Baseball Lingo-page5 (K thru R)
Knuckle Ball ! Moon Shot....
Rattle The Fence ....
Baseball Lingo-page5 adds more of our baseball vocabulary and terminology with the definitions of the baseball-talk or chatter for you to understand and enjoy.
When in Rome do as the Romans do. When at the ole ball park know and enjoy the lingo of baseball-talk even if it means learning Baseball Lingo-page5 definitions.
Baseball Lingo-page 5 like all the other chatter, baseball terminology and baseball vocabulary with all its different subtle baseball worldly meanings and emphasis on many of the particular plays adds color and depth to enjoyment of the game.
Baseball Lingo-page5 only handles the K-R portion of the baseball lingo definitions.
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Is It Magic? Just like knowing Baseball Lingo-page5 puts you in wonder land.
- Knob of the Bat: The small end of the bat where your hands grip on the handle end.
The end of the bat has a raised collar designed to allow for holding the bat near the very end which prevents the bat from slipping from your hands.
When choosing sides on the old school yard playground, it was the end part of the bat (called the knob), which allowed one to grasp and fling the bat overhead and backwards in an effort to choose first.
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- Knuckle Ball: If you ever watched a butterfly flit around dipping and diving then you know what a knuckle ball might do in its flight.
The knuckle ball is thrown with a pitcher holding and releasing the ball so that the ball makes no spin or rotation.
Baseball-vocabulary-page5 lingo uses this term knuckle ball when actually the ball might even be thrown not neccessarily by holding with the knuckles.
Watching a well thrown knuckle ball pitch is like trying to describe the flit of a butterfly. Butterfly a flitting and baseball lingo-page5 flittering and fluttering.
You have seen movies and pictures depicting how our Astronauts simply float around in weightlessness when in outer space. The knuckle ball pitch has the same floating serene movement.
- Magic: Website building is like Baseball Lingo-page5 it has a built in power of Magic
- Mitt: A glove that does not have the standard five finger configuration i.e. catcher mitt or first baseman's mitt.
As far as I know a catcher mitt is simply called a "Catchers Mitt." A first basemans mitt is called "The Claw."
- Missed: When a batter swings at a pitch and fails to connect or hit the ball it is referred to him having "missed."
When a pitcher throwing pitch after pitch he is trying his best to throw the ball for strikes into the strike zone yet he does not want the ball going big and fat across the middle of the plate he wants the ball to stay in the strike zone but out on the very edges of the plate of strike zone. When he comes close but is out far enough to be called a ball instead of a strike we say "He Missed" without the ball crossing the plate or into the strike zone.
Just like Baseball Lingo-page5 if You haven't learned a new bit of baseball talk then I have missed.
- Moon Shot: A very long, high home run.
Here we go again with Baseball Lingo-page5 or some good baseball vocabulary being invoked talking like someone went to the moon.
- On Deck: A little white limed circle on the diamond between the dugout and home plate. The next scheduled to bat player is supposed to dutifully stay in that circle.
The next ball game you attend, please check and see just how many of the players actually stay in that little circle.
Baseball-vocabulary-page5 talking about on deck one might think we were aboard a ship however, land lubber we are at the ballpark waiting to be the next hitter.
- Open Stance: When a hitter steps into the batters box he sets his feet in a manner that is most comfortable and effective for him to hit that ball. Setting his rear foot or foot nearest the catcher, he turns slightly and brings his forward foot further away from the home plate.
In essence, he is able to look directly at the pitcher without peering over a shoulder. The placement of the feet in the hitting position has the forward foot further from the plate.
- On The Screws: When the batter hits the ball hard also "on the button" or "on the nose."
Somebody might get hit on the nose talking Baseball Lingo-page5 lingo if one didn't know it is all part of for sure baseball terminology.
- Painting The Black: When a pitcher throws the ball over the edge of the plate.
Why not paint the town? Baseball-vocabulary-page5 is quietly telling you in baseball lingo that in days gone by the outer edge of homeplate was painted with an edging in black.
A pitch on the edge of the plate by baseball-vocabulary-page5 was a pitch crossing over that edge.
- Pepper: Pepper is a common pre-game exercise where one player bunts brisk grounders and line drives to a group of fielders who are standings about 20 feet away. The fielders try to throw it back as quickly as possible.
The batter hits the return throw. This toss and hit at close quarters continues until the pace quickens to a fire drill and gets a little rambunctious.
Thus the game of pepper is abtly named and the requirement for the "No Pepper In This Area" signs you see near the dignataries seating area at the ballpark.
- Pennant: The winner or champions of the American League attain their title by winning the season ending Pennant Series of the American League. Winning the American League affords them the right to challenge the National League pennant winners at the World Series.
The National League, just as the American League, determines their National League pennant winners with a right to challenge the American league pennant winners at the World Series.
Up jumps Japan! Now who is the World Champion?
- Pick-off: sometimes involves a little bit of Tomfoolery. This is only one type of pick-off play, but may be the slickest baseball trick of the game!
- Pickle: When a runner gets caught off base by a slick sleight of motion and movement by a pitcher or a rifled armed catcher catching a base runner off base we know the runner is in a pickle. A good goose chase between the runner and some real heads up defensive players we know good and well that this runner for sure is in a "pickle." Have you ever been in a pickle and didn't know which way to turn?
Call it a wabbit chase, goose chase or run down anyway you slice it that runner is in a "pickle."
Folks a young up and coming future Star of this game by the name of Steven-Ryley Randolph shared this "pickle" lingo with me. Keep your eyes and ears tuned to whats happening around the baseball diamonds of Prattville, Alabama. Steven-Ryley has the grit the skills and "want to" to one day, in about 6-to-9 years, be thrilling you with his exploits playing where the big boys ply their baseball skills in the Big Show.
- Pinch Hitter: A hitter the manager sends to the plate to hit replacing a player he takes out of the game.
In the case of substituting one hitter into the line up to replace a hitter due to come to bat is permitted. This is called the use of a "Pinch Hitter."
The hitter whose has been replaced must now leave the game he has been replaced by the pinch hitter. Even though the new hitter replaces the due up hitter the new hitter normally would take that players position on the defence.
The pinch hitter rule has further meaning applied in that by rule the pinch hitter could if needed also be replaced with another player being substituted into the defensive playing position when the team goes on the defense.
- Pinch Runner: The substituting of one runner into the game replacing a runner already on base.
This is a strategy often used late in a game where the score is tied and the scoring of a run just might be enough to win the game. Normally the pinch runner is a player with exceptional speed and is replacing a much slower ball player.
Having a swift speed merchant on the bases improves the odds considerably for getting a runner home with a score when a team mate safely hits or drives the ball deep into the outfield.
- Pitching Rubber: hard rubber mat on the pitchers mound that the pitcher's foot must be in contact when he releases his pitch.
- Pitching Distance: the distance from the pitchers foot print and point of release to home plate has changed through the years of the game.
In 1881, pitchers had pitched from within a "box" whose front line was 50 feet (15 m) from home base, and after 1887 they had been compelled to toe the back line of the box when delivering the ball. The back line was 55 feet (17 m), six inches (152 mm) away from home. In 1893, five feet was added to the back line, yielding the modern pitching distance of 60 feet (18 m), six inches (152 mm)
- Pop Up: A Lazy fly ball puffed up into the infield area with no hope for the batter to escape an easy out. Sometime that pop up is caused by a small knick on the barrel of the bat.
An exception in this pop up deal is a pop up which comes off the bat and climbs like a meteor straight up into blue or high into the night sky so high it could bring down the rain. This pop was just a fraction of an inch from being a home run.
You might ask how can a high pop up come within a fraction of an inch of being a home run? Well good buddy it is a matter of the placement of the bat on the ball. A pitcher flinging hard fast balls and a hitter swinging with gusto but the ball hits onto the fat part of the bat but not square on the nose. Say if the bat had been just a fraction higher in its swinging arc then bingo little white baseball would have went for a ride well on it way over the fence instead of that towering pop up.
Watson its a matter of how close! In a bat swing it is a matter of fractions of an inch. Sometimes it is a matter of one step or one letter from Ch a mp or Ch u mp.
Another of those winning edge training tips, is to keep that bat barrel smooth and slick as molasses, trying to prevent or minimize those pop ups.
- Quick Pitch: The game of baseball in one sense is a real cat and mouse game whereby the pitcher and a hitter sort of play games between themselves of one upsmanship and trying to out psyche the other for an advantage.
If one sees a weakness or a flaw in the other he will try to outfox or take advantage of the flaw or inept attention to that detail.
If a pitcher sees the batter is in the batters box and he is not really set and ready with his cocked bat he will hurry delivery of the pitch catching the batter not totally ready and this maneuver is called a "Quick Pitch."
- Rabbit Ears: When a player hears and reacts demonstrably to fans jeering or razzing we say he has "rabbit ears".
- Rained Out: A game can be halted or even called off before the game even starts when the rains come before or during the game and the field become too muddy or dangerous to the play due to the footing and slippery field.
Anytime there is electrical storm (lightning) with the rain the game is automatically halted or called off but in some cases it is only halted in what we call a delay of the game.
The head umpire is in charge once the teams are on the field ready for play and the rains start then it his decision to delay play temporarily or call the game Off and declare it "Rained Out."
- Rattle the Fence: Sometimes a batter will hit a ball that is like a rocket blast and hangs a good lick onto the outfield wall or fence. Sometimes, just to give a heavy hitter some teammate encouragement, we will get his hopes up with, "Come on Big Boy rattle the fence".
- Rhubarb -- A fight or scuffle.
- Ribbie -- Another way of saying RBI. Also "Run Batted In."
- Rope -- A hard line drive hit by a batter which is about head high. Also "Frozen Rope."
What in the world is our game of baseball coming too here at baseball lingo-page54 we talk Ribbies and Ropes maybe we are a bunch of Dopes. - Rubber game -- The deciding game of a three game series.
Win one lose one play the rubber game and baseball lingo-page5 adds another notch on the pistol handle.
- Round Tripper: A homerun by a different name. Hitter hits a fair ball inside or out of the park and touches all four bases without being tagged out. If it clears the fence and is outta here then baseball lingo-page5 has fullfilled the pledge to give you some more baseball-talk.
- Run Down: Sometimes a base runner will get caught between bases with the defenders having the ball and the advantage. The defensive player tosses the ball back and forth holding the runner from advancing or retreating without being tagged out.
At the opportune moment one of the defending players decides he can outrun the runner and takes a mad dash to run him down and make the tag.
- Runner: When a man at the bat get safely on base either via a walk or by hitting the ball into fair territory and reaches a base he then changes from a hitter to a "Runner."
Having runners of base and advancing them all the way to home plate to score a run for ones team is the entire purpose of play in the game of baseball.
You have now been exposed to a good bit of the baseball language/terminology/vocabulary/lingo/jargon/banter/chatter as baseball lingo-page5 here is the deal, This is the game of baseball "you name it and you can have it."
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