Baseball TerminologyDescriptive Definitions Which Describe The Elements For The Game Of BaseballTalk The Talk And Walk the Walk ! Yea Man ....Baseball Terminology provides you with many of the definitive words or language which describes a lot of the common activity and particular parts of the games action of play during a game.
A little tad more information on baseball terminology dealing with the words used in baseball can now be added into your vast storehouse of learning about baseball. Now along with your intense studies into such matters as the principles of appplied science for Einstein's Theory of Relativity. You may want to add the game of ball and this baseball terminology. Along with the happenings out there on the diamond also here at the ball park you will hear much diamond-chatter players either encouraging teammates or taunting the opposition. This talk out there on the diamond as also around the stands where baseballs ballpark lingo and is much too with baseball terminology in practical use. All you need is to pick up some of this baseball jargon and soon it is something you know and use without a second thought and then my friend you are well on your way to being a real part of the baseball loyal fans. Baseball the game nor this baseball terminology neither one of which is definitely not rocket science but it sure keeps us all from being dummies as we gain and have a good grasp of most all the baseball terminology. Using baseball terminology has many facets it can describe grandeur or even maybe a humble place where joy and thrill of victory abounds. Showers for removing the sweat and playing grime wash up and getting back into their street clothes after the game. One of the prime reasons for it to be called the clubhouse in a club type atmosphere and with relaxing pre-game television or other lounging type activity is available thus you have the teams Clubhouse. Pregame pep talk for the manager to talk to the team and discuss game type strategy against the opponent is done here in the Clubhouse prior to game time.
What pray tell me does mentioning a little white bag of pine rosin have to do with Baseball Terminology? Shucks Dash it has one heck of a lot to do with improving your knowledge of our game of baseball. Again from home Plate looking down the white line just to the outside edge of third base continuing on straight till you reach the outfield fence you will find another big painted pole standing tall. This is the left field foul pole and again the line you followed is the left field foul line. Baseball Terminology and the use of the word "foul poles" just had to be called foul because when the long ball hitter puts little baseball over the fence within a hairs breath of that foul pole it sure causes a stink. Hitting team claims fair defending team claims foul and the ruckus begins. The home teams dugout is on the first base side of the diamond. Visiting teams dugout is on the third base side of the diamond. Each inning of the game of baseball is divided into two parts the top of the inning whereby the visiting team is at bat and then after three outs the teams switch and the home team is at bat during the bottom half of the inning. Just so that you know the inning is top and bottom to make a full inning of play. Some fan type safety measures will be addressed and bringing attention to during or after the game activities that the fans will enjoy during there visit with the teams game here at the ole ball field. In the broadcast booth you might find also the local newspaper sports writers busy taking notes of action on the game for publication in the next days local and wire service papers. If the game is considered of extreme interest around the country or the world visiting broadcast services and newspaper outlet writers and sport commentators will be a part of the broadcast booth or other significant vantage point in the ballpark. 1)The inning top or bottom being played 2)A score of runs by inning 3)running tally of runs, running tally of hits, and running tally of errors 4)home teams name 5)visiting teams name 6) The uniform number of the batter (changes for each batter) 7)Large Clock showing the local time 8) Ball count 9)Strike count 10) Number of Outs 11) Uniform number of both Pitchers 12) Then there is usually an obscure figure somewhere on the scoreboard which will show intermittently "The speed of the previous pitch by the pitcher in mph." Take the seventh inning stretch...Return to the Top of the Page: Baseball Terminology Batter Up----Let's Play Ball.... ![]() |