Be Proud Of It And Tell It

Baseball Passion Expressed Was My Path For Web Building

Enjoy Your Passion And Use It To Build
Your Successful Web Site.

Website-Building-Revisited so can you use and enjoy your passion by telling about it with a purpose and feeling. Your passion will be the key to your web building success. I used my baseball-passion to work and develop my BaseballFarming website.

Ladies and Gentlemen having a passion like my baseball passion is natural, harness it, use it, and direct it with a purpose Site Build It in French. If you enjoy your passion then telling it in French adds the flare for emphasis.

Look around and about you find your passion like my baseball passion and see what "Site Build It" has to offer, you can, with minimal computer skills, design, build and implement your own web site...and share your Passion with others! hopefully will stir many others as you well know is only one of any millions of passions which may be launched after come aboard.

Click the magic button and a very pointed and informative page which will be presented which could lead you to consider how to enjoy your invite here at website-building-revisited Site Build It as being your chance into a whole new adventure utilizing the internet and you will have your very own website. Like Magic You Build It

Site Build It!

Site Build It with ones passion like this website-building-revisited enablying you to enjoy your passion is nothing more than follow the ABC's of it and even watch the bouncing ball and before you know it you will enjoy your passion for whatever your passion might be it will dig in take hold and you are hooked.

I was such a novice when I begin my journey with Site Build It, the hesitation was great, but now the rewards and fulfilment is being realized and I still have to convince you here at my website being revisited like my baseballfarming can be your awakening for a website of which you will be well pleased.

Maybe my baseball passion for ball playing served me well as my interest in "Site Build It" has soared and just doing it has me ready to scale more mountains and climb to the top. hopefully by your visit here at website-building-revisited will do the same for you.

Enjoy your passion and climb those mountains. Take to heart your message here at website-building-revisited.

One of the basic prerequisites like in baseball passion expresssed is to enjoy your passion and the challenge of the game. Winning in whatever endeavor we under take is important to us all.

First things first is so simple and elementary it should not even need to be said-"take the first step and get started"- you'll look back a few months down the road and say !"Gosh nothing to it." Ball playing and baseball passion expressed as introduced made because website-building-revisited tweaked your passion to get started.

Ball playing my baseball passion expressed you get to enjoy but your passion and website-building is nothing more than for you to get in the game, and the passion within you will take hold, and the action of accomplishment spurs you on to further enjoyment and success.

Your first venture into cyber space and website-building of your website should be based on how you feel about and enjoy your passion.

In the future my plan is to leave baseball passion and go to developing a website on my feeling for the passion of living the "Country Life."

Country Life ad the good country living might be of interest for many more other than my baseball passion by your telling folks of your particular interests.

The Complete Site Build It! Reference Center

The Complete Site Build It! Reference Center
It's Not About Web Hosting. Not anymore.
It's About Success.

So many small business people and Webmasters spend so much time scouring and comparing 1and1, Interland, Hostway, Verio, RackSpace, eNom and others. They measure the nuts and bolts of storage space, uptime, bandwidth, and a hundred other parameters.

But they do not measure success.

And isn't that the bottom line for any online business?

If one company delivered success at a quantum-leap higher rate than any other, wouldn't you build your business there?

After all, it takes a whole lot more than those nuts and bolts to succeed. And if your chances for significant success increased 10-fold, do you really care whether the uptime is 99.9999% or 99.9999999%?

Measuring and comparing success "cuts to the chase." It blows everything else away. There is only one system in the world that delivers and proves measurable success...

SBI! sites succeed. This page...

At a minimum, you will leave this page as a stronger Net marketer.

Site Build It! is the all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing system of software tools that delivers success. Actually, it OVERdelivers.

And success, of course, is the bottom line. Well, it is, and it isn't.

There is a deeper, more important bottom line. And SiteSell portrays it in this extraordinary Web page (opens new window). This is the very essence, the core of what SBI! delivers (be sure to click on everything you see -- amazing). It is, in fact, "the special free(dom) prize" that comes inside every e-box of SBI!.

The next step is...How to get started?

Consider SiteBuildIt, a Premium Website Hosting and Web Building Organization that offers a package that allows you, with minimal computer skills, to design, build and Implement a web site that can become a successful, income earning, web business!

with bare, minimal computer skills; Design, Build and Implement a web site, per a ready made template, or a custom design of your choice!

that can become a work from home, income earning, Affiliate Marketing web business!

Consider the Results obtained by other SBI Web-Builders!

SiteBuildIt's easy implementation of the basic information about Website Hosting guides you through each step of the web building process...from beginning to completion!

from domain name building an informational site using keywords that make all the difference!

to Adding valuable content to your site...monitoring the traffic (number of visitors) that visit your site...making needed adjustments...and adding more content...

and adding affiliate merchants to your site, whereby you offer information, goods or services that your visitors may need...and by which, as sales occur, you earn money!

Have an SBI Professional Answer all your Website Hosting and Web Building Questions related to Internet Business Building! is the company that introduced this revolution. It is also the only company in the world that proves success. Other companies would... if they could. But 99+% of their small business sites fail. They even have a term for the abysmal failure rate of small businesses online...

"The Churn Rate."

SiteSell uses a different term to track SBI! small business sites. They call it "The Top 6% Rate." How can 51% of SBI! sites end up in the Top 6%?

Why Do SBI! Sites Succeed?

It's the process, combined with the complete set of integrated tools needed for its execution...

The SBI! Process,
Content arrow Traffic arrow PREsell arrow Monetize,
Is Based Upon The Fundamental Reality
Of The Way People Use The Web.


Offline... Online...
...bustling crowds pass by your place of business. Some of the passerby traffic notices you and walks in.

...people search for information. Millions of people, but no crowds. Each searches alone.

"Location, Location, Location" "Information, information, information"

Click here for more information on SBI! and C arrow T arrow P arrow M.

Unmatched Proof of Success

Ever spend some time at the Web sites of the largest Web hosts in the world? 1and1, Interland, Hostway, Verio, RackSpace, eNom... they all start looking alike. Very "big corporate" look. Tons of stuff about their servers, and their company.

And it gets better...

Cheap? Countless companies offer "$3.95/month hosting."

Quick? Even the "Biggest Brand Companies" promise your site can be up and "ready to do business in less than an hour."

(These are not serious approaches to real business. And they avoid discussing the cost of failure. What is the real time-and-money cost of struggling for 18 months?)

You can compare features for weeks. You can take virtual tours of their mile-long server rooms.


You won't find much information about the customer. If they do have a "Success Stories" section, it won't begin to compare with SiteSell's. And if you do a bit of digging, you'll find that many of them get very little traffic.

Bottom line?If you visit the sales sites of these large Web hosting companies, look for this...

Documented Proof of Success.

The word-of-mouth is spreading fast about SBI!. SiteSell proves this most meaningful comparison with other major Web hosts -- click here for an excerpt from their Web site.

It's no wonder that word is spreading. This is the way small business will do business on the Net. In five years, every e-com/hosting/marketing provider will be copying this format that delivers business success, free of the need to master technology, Search Engine Optimization, and so forth.

Of course,, the originators of this ground-breaking technology that renders current Web hosting methodology "old-fashioned," will be even further ahead... they are constantly pushing the boundaries and capabilities of SBI!.

In an attempt to pull all this together on a single page for you, we've created this ultimate directory of key URLs...

  • the ones you need to be able to decide if SBI! is right for your small business, and...

  • while we were at it, we also discovered some terrific free resources for you.

So, whether or not SBI! turns out to be right for you, you'll be ahead. These free resources are truly unique and powerful. Actually, they are great examples of the value that SBI! itself offers.

Speaking of whether SBI! is right for you...

SBI! does put "do-it-yourself" success into the hands of the regular small business person. And for those who simply do not have the time, more and more Webmasters are converting to SBI! as their product of choice -- no need to ever hear the dreaded "so where's the traffic" question again.

What if you are a small business person who does not have the time to "build it yourself"? See the "Certified Webmaster" resource below. Hire one to build an SBI! site for you.

SBI! really is most things to most small businesses. But it may not be right for you. So let's take a look at what kind of small businesses get the most out of SBI!.

Click here to see if SBI! fits your needs.

If SBI! seems like it might be right for you...

Slow down. Use and enjoy your passion it will not be baseball passion.

The keynote process for building your site will be enjoy your passion it will not be Site Build It with a passion but rather make it your passion. Website-building-revisited is simply my passion to urge you to come aboard.

Take your time as you work your way through The Complete Site Build It! Reference Center. If you do, you'll emerge 100% certain, one way or another. It's worth the time -- after all...

We're talking about the future of your business.Build your future on passion of your choosing not baseball passion. however i think you must agree website-building-revisited has tried to provide you a jumping in invite.

The Complete Site Build It! Reference Center

Site Build It! Home Page
Contains all the basic information. For small businesses.

SBI! Certified Webmaster Directory
No time to "do it yourself"? Hire a Webmaster with a history of SBI! success.

Webmaster Home Page
For Webmasters. It's time to convert satisfied clients into raving fans.

Quick Tour Slide Show
A fast step-by-step demo of how SBI! works.

Feature-by-Feature, Apples-to-Apples...
Compare SBI! with other major Small Business Web Site Solutions.

View Client Sites Created With SBI!
Apply these lessons and stories to enjoy your passion and YOUR business.

Case Studies
Find the case study that most closely fits your business model. Apply its lessons. Your personal "been there, done that" mentor.

The SBI! Small Business Locator
Tailor-made advice for every kind of small business. Use this page to find the small business category that yours fits into. Then learn how to really use the Web!

No Other Company Can Provide Proof Like This
It's not about the hosting anymore. It's about success. Stop comparing features and start comparing outcome.

Questions? Phone, chat or e-mail SiteSell... LIVE.
Ask an actual SBI! owner/user. Get a real experience-based answer.

Free Site Build It! Resources

SBI! and AdSense... The Perfect Marriage
THE word on how to get the most from AdSense... Indispensable for Information Publishers

Search It!
The only ecommerce-related search tool that you will ever need... use it a few times and you'll soon be using it 20 times per day.

SpamCheck Report -- Stay Out of the Junk Mail Folder.
Free SpamCheck Report in seconds, ensuring your e-mail gets opened and read.

SiteSell Value Exchange -- Only Sites of Value Need Register
The ONLY True-Blue, Real Links-of-Value Exchanger on the Planet that WORKS! Free registration and exchanging.

Free Masters Courses
Selling a service? Starting an affiliate-based business? No matter what, this page offers free, critically acclaimed courses, one of which will be perfect for you to fulfill and enjoy your passion.

Store Build It!
Planning an E-store? C arrow T arrow P meets M. This is the way to do it. Site Build It! even includes a 90-day free trial of the best store-building software in the world, totally integrated.

Make Your Content PREsell!
At $9.95, it's "nearly free." And it's worth 10 times that because you will acquire/improve the single most important skill that YOU need to thrive, online or off (whether you ultimately use SBI! or not).

Web Site building is fun, baseball playing and talking about baseball with a passion is fun, so you come along and enjoy your passion and join the fun.

Website-building-revisited is sort of like ball playing and like most everything else to be enjoyed like any passion expressed when it is combined with your very own personal passion it sets the stage for success.

I hope I have not overdone this website-building-revisited to the detriment of my main point and that is to get you started into your own website-building-revisited plan to get started with your passion.

Mama would get angry sometimes at all this ball playing and she would exclaim "All I hear around here is ball playing, ball playing and more ball playing." But when you enjoy your web building like your effort truly then the baseball mania and heading to the ballpark takes over.

Leaving website-building-revisited You might enjoy a return visit to your WAHM or Work At Home Moms page.

Look at what YOU can do Site Build It.Site Sell

If you like you may also like: Quick Tour will help kindle the "want to" as my baseball passion did for me.


Batter Up----Let's Play Ball....

Site Build It! Questions

Have you ever had the itch to have your own Web Site? Baseball passion expressed urging might help the cure Site Build It

Return often to BaseballFarming our baseball home page which is an introduction to the concept of baseball farming and includes ideas on strategies, training, and winning.

Baseball as a passion or a another chosen passion any passion to start website-building-revisited urgings might instill an urge like mine for you to take advantage of this helpful information for the Ladies of the family.

Come on along now and let's talk here at website-building-revisited a little (SBI) Solo Build It in French

Solo Build It!

Solo Build It

The fascinating world of sharing a passion from website-building-revisited like my baseball passion expressed via the Internet could come alive for you.

Come visit to learn about how you might enjoy your very own website while being taught, coached and guided by the folks at Solo Build It.

Go Shopping Let Your Passion Take You To Friendly Merchants.

You know you would like to have your very own website so you are willing to know how SBI certainly will be a swell partner in this endeavor.

Let website-building-revisited stir you to the point of joining the action and the wonderful world of the Internet business world.
